Manage healthcare course in the patient journey with Octaware solutions, effectively and efficiently amid the regulatory frameworks and rising cost of healthcare.
The perception of Patient Care has undergone a sea change worldwide, as the patient care services have become more calibrated, individualized and hazard free at the point of care. Patient data is the most essential information in every episode of care through the entire patient journey right from the admission to completion of care. Perforce it is pertinent to have streamlined care processes that captures patient information to facilitate more effective treatment plan at every progression of care.
Octaware provides efficient and seamless patient care solutions that is powerful, easy-to-use and configurable to accelerate patient treatment at healthcare facilities, careful monitoring during patient’s stay at the Hospitals and post-discharge.

RFID-Based Patient care Solution

Patient Relationship Management Solution
Life2Care manages relationship of healthcare centers with patients and facilitates them to provide better service and care, thus allowing them to impart patient centered services.