Innovative Solution to Urgent Healthcare
For Urgentcare clinics, delivering effective and timely emergency care (their core business), in the face of rapid changes, is challenging in itself. SifaCareMD aims to help the clinics focus on their core business activities and leave the associated support processes to experts.
Our portfolio of solutions seeks to solve your key challenges linked to the associated processes, particularly for Practice Management and EHR/EMR.
Urgentcare clinics – facing issues at multiple levels
The entire healthcare ecosystem is undergoing rapid transformation. On one hand, it is catalyzed by improved technologies in core healthcare delivery, as well as overall improvement in the landscape for cost effective communication technologies. However, players are encountering significant challenges on multiple fronts – higher patient expectations, need for drastically increased collaboration with insurance companies (often with short lead time requirements), more complicated scheduling and doctor engagement approaches and finally, much more demanding regulatory regimes at various levels.
With so many challenges, it is quite evident that Urgentcare clinics find themselves under tremendous pressure. They are in need of reliable and effective software solutions that can support their business objectives better, across functions.
- The product permits automation possibilities in multiple processes such as Patient registrations and visits tracking, reports and statements, email reminders and tracking of patient balances as well as the critical process of coordinating with insurance companies for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
- Built-in end-to-end billing solution is integrated with insurance companies’ systems for data exchange.
- An extensive Electronic Health Records (EHR) module helps manage the medical records of patients.
SifaCareMD offers advance UrgentCare software, HER, practice management systems & billing / revenue cycle management services, for advanced urgent care centers, Below are the high level product features for SifaCareMD
Patient Accounting System
Registration & Insurance Billing
Accounts receivable & collection follow-up
Prior authorization & Referrals system
Claims management & status tracking
Typical Patient Process Flow

Lower cost with single point of claims settlement