- Give yourself permission to say YES only to the things that lift you up.
- Take time to evaluate, plan & be proactive with your journey in life, so you’re directing your own destiny.
- Practice being patient and at peace with the “Grey Areas” in life, remembering uncertainty is the breeding ground of new possibilities!
- Put in place daily life-affirming rituals & reminders to keep you focused on your goals & what’s most important to you.
- Be conscious of what’s going on inside your mind. Practice loving self-talk.
- Wear “Solution Eyes” each day, look beyond issues with the intent to see a positive way forward.
- Even if you feel fear, step forward & give life a go.
- Practice gratitude, it’s the energy that will magnetize more of the good things into your life.
- Prioritize your health. Your body is the vehicle that carries you through life. It needs you to take care of it so it can do its job.