Octaware’s High Performance Capability & High Financial Strength Recognition

Octaware Technologies is proud to share certification from NSIC-CRISIL for High Performance Capability & High Financial Strength, rating “SE-2A”. CRISIL evaluates the degree of capability and stability of the finances generated by the business. The stability of cash flow is dependent on the capability of the business and the quality of the management of the business. Since Octaware has strong capabilities that generate stable finances hence it has achieved CRISIL high ratings.
CRISIL is India’s first and largest rating agency having begun in ratings for large companies as early as 1987. CRISIL is a global analytical company providing ratings, research, risks and policy advisory services. They are pioneers in the concept of credit rating in India, and have rated over 50,000 entities, by far the largest number in India. The Indian Software industry displayed very high growth rates over the past decade. Rating and certification defined by organization like CRISIL help in mapping stability and growth potential of SME’s in India. Entities with high ratings usually have a strong organisational structure, high performance capability and good financial strength.
In this competitive industry, Octaware has strictly upheld and believed that performance capability, financial strength along with customer satisfaction are top priorities. Octaware is now in the process of further refining their initiatives and is making steady progress towards its next performance & financial improvement goals.
The Octaware high rating achievement has been covered by print and electronic media globally and been appreciated Read More